Head of Directorate - Sergey B. Shaposhnik
Leading Analyst - Konstantin S. Ershov
Manager - Marina V. Smyslova
Manager - Irina S. Miroshnichenko
The Directorate of Monitoring Information Society Development facilitates the problem-solving process for the scientific and technical forecasting of the Information Society development, enabling the development of information resources and technologies, of information infrastructure and services, as well as for creating a favorable environment for effective international collaboration for building the Information Society. The Directorate conducts analysis and research in the area of Information Society development, examines and synthesizes the work experience of relevant Russian, foreign and international institutions and organizations, and publishes the results of its analytical studies and research.
The expert team working at the Directorate has accumulated substantial experience in developing the indicators and analyzing key trends and directions of Information Society advancement and using the ICT in various spheres of activity. The Directorate created and maintains an extensive database of the statistical and sociological data, which characterize the growth of the Information Society in Russia and its regions as well as in different countries of the world. The Directorate is also in charge of conducting analysis and research of Information Society development; studying and compiling the relevant knowledge and experience of the Russian, foreign, and international organizations and institutions; and publishing the results of the analytical and research work.
The key projects of the Directorate of Monitoring Information Society Development include the following:
- Preparing the Technical Assignment for Developing the Concept of Forming and Developing the Statistics of the Russian Information Society
- Developing the Comprehensive Program of Moscow's Advancement towards the Information Society (e-Moscow) (participation)
- Participating in Organizing Contest "Best Region in the ICT Field" (management of the IIS team of specialists)
- Russian Regions e-Readiness Assessment (This is part of the program event "Russia Development Gateway" of the Federal Program eRussia, management of this section)
- Developing of Methodology and Russian Regions e-Readiness Assessment – 2001 (Within the project "Russia Development Gateway")
- Developing and Implementing the Monitoring System of Moscow's Advancement to the Information Society 2003-2005
- Russia e-Readiness Assessment – 2004 (project under the World Bank InfoDev project)
- Developing the Russian regions’ e-Readiness Index 2004-2005
- Developing the Russian regions’ e-Readiness index 2005-2006
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2007-2008
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2008-2009
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2009-2010
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2010-2011
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2011-2012
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2013-2014
- Scientific and methodological support of the implementation of the Concept of Regional Informatization – 2006 (managing the preparation of analytical report “Analysis of ICT development and use in the Russian regions”, participating in developing the standardized program of ICT development and use in the Russian regions and the strategy for its adaptation for a specific region, contributing to the tender process of Russian Federation government agencies for implementation of the standardized solutions into the regions in 2007)
- Preparing Analytical Report “Information and Communication Technologies Development and Use in the Russian Regions” - 2008
- Analysis of ICT Development and Use in Subjects of Russian Federation - 2009
- Developing proposals on Improvement, Optimization and Unification of Structure and Content of Indexes in Forms of Federal Statistical Monitoring in the sphere of Communications - 2009
- Developing conceptual scheme of the Information Society development in the CIS countries and the methodology for the analysis of the information and communication technologies use in the CIS countries - 2015
The following events were organized by the Directorate both independently and in cooperation with its partners:
- Working Session dedicated to Project Implementation "Evaluation of Information and Communication Infrastructure and Russia's e-Readiness" (World Bank Moscow Office, July 29, 2002)
- Meeting of the Moscow City Duma Public Expert Council on the Information Society Development "Bridging the Digital Divide in Moscow" (Moscow City Duma, June 3, 2004. Organizer: Institute of the Information Society)
- Roundtable "Russia's e-Readiness Assessment" as part of the "InfoCom 2004" Forum (Moscow, October 21, 2004)
- International Conference "UNESCO between Two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society" (Saint Petersburg, 17-19 May 2005)
- Conference "Russian Regions' Readiness for the Information Society and e-Government" within the framework of Infocom 2005 (Moscow, 29 September 2005)
- First meeting of the Council on regional informatization of the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Russian Federation (Moscow, October 20, 2006)
- Meeting of the Expert Group of the Council on regional informatization of the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Russian Federation (Moscow, December 11, 2006)
- Developing conceptual scheme of the Information Society development in the CIS countries and the methodology for the analysis of the information and communication technologies use in the CIS countries - 2015
The results of the Directorate’s work are reflected, among others, in the following main publications:
- Information Society Journal. - 2004. - ¹3-4 (special issue "Moscow’s e-Readiness", in Russian).
- Russia e-Readiness Assessment: Analytical Report. - Ì., 2004. - 252 p. (In Russian).
- Russia e-Readiness Assessment: Analytical Report. - M., 2004. - 224 ð. (in English).
- Russian Regions' e-Readiness Index 2004-2005/ Ed. by T. Ershova, Yu. Hohlov, S. Shaposhnik. - 2nd updated and extended edition. - M.: Institute of the Information Society, 2005. - 224 p.
- Russian Regions' e-Readiness Index 2005-2006/ M.: Institute of the Information Society, 2007. - 224 p.
- Information and Communication Technologies Development and Use in the Russian Regions: Analytical Report / Edited by Yuri E. Hohlov – M.: Institute of the Information Society, 2008. – 240 pages.
- Russian Regions' e-Readiness Index 2007-2008/ Ed. by Yu. Hohlov, S. Shaposhnik. – M.: Institute of the Information Society, 2009. - 256 p.
- Analysis of ICT Development and Use in Subjects of Russian Federation. Problems of Overcoming the Digital Divide between Regions / edited by Yu. Hohlov, S. Shaposhnik. – Ì.: Institute of the Information Society, 2009. – 208 p.
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2008-2009 / Ed. By Yu. Hohlov, S. Shaposhnik – M: Institute of the Information Society, 2010. – 296 p.
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2009-2010: Analysis of the Information Divide between regions of the Russian Federation / Ed. By T. Ershova, Yu. Hohlov, S. Shaposhnik – M: Institute of the Information Society, 2011. – 360 p.
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2010-2011: Analysis of the Information Divide between the regions of the Russian Federation / Ed. By T. Ershova, Yu. Hohlov, S. Shaposhnik – M: Institute of the Information Society, 2012. – 462 p.
- Developing the Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index 2013-2014: Analysis of the Information Divide between regions of the Russian Federation / Ed. By T. Ershova, Yu. Hohlov, S. Shaposhnik – M: 2015. – 534 p.