The Institute actively collaborates with international organizations and is engaged in a number of international initiatives, which allows it to remain at the forefront of professional activity in the information society development sphere, to maintain the high quality of work, and to constantly expand the scope of IIS’ activities.
Several international organizations are Institute’s partners, and together they implemented a number of important projects and organized several international events. The following organizations should be named among the partners of the IIS:
The Institute actively participates in the work of a number of international organizations facilitating the Information Society development. These organizations including the following:
- Working Group on the Measurement and Evaluation Tool for E-Participation Readiness (METEP) established by the Division for Social Policy and Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) - IIS Chairman Yuri Hohlov and IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova joined the group in July 2013.
- Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) - IIS is a member of the GKP since 2000; in January 2005 it was elected GKP Regional Focal Point for Central and Eastern Europe.
- Central and Eastern European Networking Association (CEENet) - the Head of the Directorate of Telecommunication Programs Andrey Mendkovich and a member of the Board of Directors Alexander Rusakov have served as the IIS representatives in the CEENet since 1998. In November 2007 Andrey Mendkovich became CEENet Vice-Chairman.
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institution (IFLA) - the IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Marketing and Management Section between 1998 and 2001; the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov was a member and a chair of the Standing Committee of the Information Technology Section between 1998 and 2001; IIS was the institutional member of the IFLA from 1999 to 2001.
- Technology Empowerment Network (TEN) - the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov has been a member of TEN since 2001.
- Global Development Network (GDN) - the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov has been a participant of GDN since 2001.
The Institute also participated and/or continues to participate in implementing several international initiatives supporting the use of ICT for comprehensive development, including the following:
- Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID) - IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova has been a member of the GAID Panel of Advisors since July 2006
- Swedish-Russian Working Group on Information Technologies and Communications as part of the activities of the Swedish-Russian Intergovernmental Council - Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov has served as a coordinator of the Information Society and Regional Cooperation sub-committee of this group since September 2005.
- WSIS Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Family - IIS General Director and Head of PRIOR Directorate Tatiana Ershova served as a coordinator of this WSIS Civil Society Family from September 2005 to December 2007.
- United Nations ICT Task Force Europe and Central Asia Regional Network (UN ICT TF EuCAs) - the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov was coordinator of the UN ICT TF EuCAs in 2002-2005; the IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova has been the Head of the Moscow secretariat of the UN ICT TF EuCAs in 2002-2005.
- United Nations ICT Task Force - IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova was member of the UN ICT Task Force on the national strategies of electronic development in 2002-2005; Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov has been a member of the Working Party on ICT Indicators and Millennium Development Goals Mapping in 2004-2005.
- Development Gateway (DG) - the IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova has served as the head of the Russia Development Gateway project as the national segment of the international network of development gateways since 2001; the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov has been the technological coordinator of the Russia Development Gateway project since 2002.
- Digital Opportunity Task Force, DOT Force - the Head of the Directorate of Legal Programs Mikhail Yakushev was a member of this group during its entire work period in 2000-2001.
- DELOS Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries - the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov had been a member of the Advisory Board of this consortium between 1999 and 2003.
- Global Junior Challenge - since 1999 the IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova has served as a member of the international jury of this competition, which recognizes the best world achievements in the sphere of using ICT for education and fostering children and youth.
- Stockholm Challenge - the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov was a member of the international jury of this competition, which became a successor of the Global Bangemann Challenge competition, since its establishment in 2000 and up to 2004; IIS General Director Tatiana Ershova has been a member of the international jury of this competition since 2005.
- Global Bangemann Challenge - the Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors Yuri Hohlov had been a member of the international jury of this competition, which recognizes the best world achievements in the sphere of ICT use for development, until its closure in 1999.
The IIS projects facilitating development of the international cooperation include the following initiatives implemented both independently and in collaboration with its partners:
- Local sessions within the series of international distributed video
seminars on different aspects of ICT use for development organized under
coordination of the World Bank e-Development Thematic Group (since
April 2008).
- International seminar "Russia - EU: Signs on the Road Map of Cultural Cooperation" (Moscow, State Historical Museum, 8 December 2009).
- 10th International Conference "Information Society: People, Technologies, Innovations" (Moscow, The President Hotel, 9-10 September 2008).
Seminar on "New Approaches to Solving the Access Issue through Low-Cost ICTs" (Moscow, 17 June 2008)
Seminar on "Network for Development: Coherent Multi-Lingual DNS System and Network" (Moscow, 16 June 2008).
- International Interdisciplinary conference "The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected: the User and the Future of Information and Communication Technologies" (Moscow, May 23-25, 2007).
- The Multi-Stakeholder Monitor Initiative (MuSt): Multi-Stakeholderism beyond Tunis (launched in Tunis on November 17, 2005 as part of WSIS).
- Regional Meeting "Information Society Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia"
(Tunis, Tunisia, 17 November 2005).
- International Conference "UNESCO between Two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society" (Saint Petersburg, May 17-19, 2005).
- International Seminar "Creating the International Network of Development Gateway Portals" (Kiev, Ukraine, April 17, 2004).
- International Conference "Information Society Development: from Strategy to Action" (Kiev, Ukraine, April 15-16, 2004).
- Regional Session for the Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Global Knowledge Partnership as part of the ICT for Development Platform (Geneva, Swetzerland, December 12, 2003).
- Awareness raising project "World Summit on the Information Society: Expectations of the Russian Regions" (2003-2004).
- Seminar "Environment for Electronic Interoperability Framework and International Standards of the Information Society" (Moscow, Sheraton Palace hotel, July 21, 2003).
- Regional Forum of National Development Gateways of Europe and Central Asia (Moscow, December 11-12, 2002).
- International Conference "Partnership Networks as the Tools of Information Society and Knowledge Economy Development" (Global Knowledge - Russia) (Moscow, December 9, 2002).
- Russian-Ukrainian Working Session on Organizing Technological Cooperation in Creating a Technological Platform "Gateway in the Box" (Kiev, Ukraine, October 20, 2002).
- Russian-Scandinavian Seminar and Investment Forum "Electronic Russia and Development Prospects for Network Communications in Russia" (Helsinki, Finland, May 17, 2002).
- Developing the Concept of Facilitating the International Collaboration and External Economic Relations in the ICT sphere, including the Process of Russia’s joining to the WTO (2002).
- Hosting Moscow Secretariat of the Regional Network of the UN ICT Taskforce for Europe and Central Asia (2002 until present).
- Creating the Russia Development Gateway (2001 until present).
- Implementing the project "ThinkQuest in Russia" (2001-2003).
- Implementing the project of the "Europe and Central Asia Virtual University"
(2001 until present).
- Organizational Conference of the Association "Europe and Central Asia Virtual University" (Moscow, June 26-27, 2001).
- European-Asian Student Scientific Internet-Conference "The Rise of the Information and Network Economy" (Moscow, May 14-25, 2001).
- Creating Russian-English Glossary on the Information Society (2001).
- Roundtable "Global Knowledge - Russia" (Videoconference Moscow - Washington, DC - Brussels, March 30, 2001. World Bank).
- Round Table with International Participation "Information Society and Sustainable Development in Global and Regional Perspective" (Moscow City Duma, 31 August 2000).
- Open Session "From Library Automation to Digital Library" (Jerusalem, Israel, August 16, 2000. 66th Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations).
- Open Session "Building Change Management and Marketing Skills for the Information Age" (Jerusalem, Israel, August 15, 2000. 66th Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations).
- Workshop "Uniform Resource Identifiers and the Library Community" (Jerusalem, Israel, August 13, 2000. 66th Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations).
- Russian-British Digital Libraries Workshop (Moscow - Saint-Petersburg - Novgorod - Yaroslavl, June 16-17, 1999).
- International Conference “Information Society Technologies 98 - Russia” (Moscow - Saint Petersburg - Novgorod - Yaroslavl - Vienna, November 30 - December 2, 1998). The Conference was held as part of the international congress and the "Information Society Technologies 98" exhibit, Vienna, November 20-December 2, 1998.
- International Conference "Information Society and the Modern City" (Moscow - Saint Petersburg - Novgorod - Yaroslavl, September 25-26, 1998). The conference was held as part of the International Congress "Technologies Serving the Information Society", Lisbon, September 25-28, 1998.