The article by Nelly Lukina and Natalya Samokhina
describes the features of the technological structure of the information
society and its understanding within the framework of modern social and
philosophical discourse.
The rubric "Social and economic
aspects of the information society" is opened with an article by Denis
Bryzgalov and Alexander Tsyganov from the Financial University under the
Government of the Russian Federation "Control over the execution by
insurers of legislative disclosure requirements", which discusses the
regulator's goals and requirements for disclosing information about activities
in the network by insurance companies. The data for 2007-2008 and 2015 are
compared, the data are interpreted, recommendations are formulated to ensure
the increased requirements of modern society for information disclosure on the
websites of insurance companies. Further in this section there is an article of
candidates of philosophical sciences Aleksander Ogorodnikov and Vladimir Churin
"Axiological foundations of risks of social participation in the conditions
of globalization".
The rubric "Education in the Information Society" is represented
by two articles. Olga Kononova, Elena Krutko and Sergey Lyapin from
the St. Petersburg University of Information Technologies (ITMO University)
introduce readers to the research work on the basis of the services of the EB
"Humanitariana". The article by the professor of the Department of
Applied Mathematics Sergei Yunov from the Kuban State University defines and
identifies the nature of customized fraud. The mechanisms to counteract this negative phenomenon,
including educational facilities, are proposed.
Further Candidate
of Philosophical Sciences from the Moscow State University Darya Alekseeva discusses the approaches to the
justification of intellectual property rights contained in the classical
philosophical heritage, which
acquire special relevance in connection with the development of modern
information technology. The article of
the Graduate Student of Institute of Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences Marina Sukhar’kova is devoted to the online
activity of volunteers of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in the social
network "VKontakte".
Finally, the results of the
international Russian-Mongolian project "Creation of the Baikal
Information Center" are presented in the article by Doctors of
Geographical Sciences Andrei Beshentsev and Endon Garmayev. The peculiarities
and problems of inter-state information exchange between countries in the sphere of
natural resources use in the trans-boundary basin of Baikal Lake are revealed.