article “Interrelation of Information Technologies and Economy Development
Stages” by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Boris Slavin opens
the item ‘’Social and Economic Aspects of the Information Society’’. The interrelation
of IT development and economic development of the society is traced in the
article. The author's analysis, provided in the article, allows to more clearly
position the role of IT in the organization depending on the management
technologies applied to measure the level of maturity in the use of information
are four articles in the item “Human in the Information Society”. Doctor of philosophical
sciences Irina Alexeeva explores manipulation-based socio-humanitarian
technologies phenomenon. The article by candidate of cultural sciences Ivan
Tuzovsky from Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts "Information
Society Paradoxes" is dedicated to identification of the social
contradictions caused by the informatization processes, which ares usually
associated with the development of the information society.
article by Anton Zhelnin from Perm State National Research University “Information
measurement of anthropological crisis of civilization” proves that informatization
has an ambivalent impact on the person that is associated with an excess of
information received, which leads to stress, overload and mental disturbance of
homeostasis of the nervous system.
the article of the candidate of political sciences Dmitry Chizhov identifies
and characterizes the political views of the digital generation Z, analyses
mechanisms of influence of the political behavior of the Internet generation,
considers the features of political communication with representatives of the generation
In the
traditional item of the journal “Culture in the Information Society” the
article by Ekaterina Ignatova, representing the Scientific Library of Perm State
National Research University, was published. The problem of introduction of the
information technologies in library activities, taking into account some peculiarities
of their application in order to support teaching and research activities of
teachers and students is considered in the article.
item “Measuring the Information Society” contains the article of the candidate
of economic sciences Elena Klochkova from the Plekhanov Russian University of
Economics. Her article examines key indicators of the Information Society
development in the Russian Federation for the period 2010-2014. The research
purpose is to determine main trends in this field by using statistical
assessments of state and dynamics of information and telecommunication infrastructure
development, information industry sector development, use of ICTs in economy
and households, and the interaction of the government with citizens and
organizations. |