We offer
our readers an edition of the journal, that
continues cooperation with the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, started
in 2014. This time we present the work of the researchers from Institute of
Humanities, Social Sciences and Technologies of Tomsk Polytechnic University
and the Institute of Cybernetics of TPU.
An article
of Elena Frolova, Marina Ryzhkova, Elmira Kashapova, in which interconnection of information competence of
population and well-being level has been discovered, starts the issue of the
journal. Galina Barysheva and Artem Dibrov analyze the phenomenon of
innovation resistance, relatively new to the national scientific discourse.
Importance of overcoming innovation resistance as a driver of socio-economic
well-being of the society is emphasized.
Kartashova and Tatiana Shirko try to substantiate interdisciplinarity,
polydisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity as research principles of the science
of future.
Under the
heading "Information Society Technologies" two articles are presented,
each of them demonstrates the new opportunities that arise due to the improvement
of information technology.
The article
of Stepan Nebaba, Alena Zakharova and Sergey Andreev offer a new algorithm of
generating 3D face model . This algorithm can find a variety of practical
applications. Vadim Pogrebnoy proposes the model of urban transport system,
which is of practical interest.
Godemann, Professor of Communication and Consultation in
the field of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from Justus Liebig
University Giessen (Germany), studies the role young people
play in implementing the sustainable development trends. Researchers from Tomsk Polytechnic University Elena Fell and Natalia Lukyanova comment this article. |