On March 31, 2011 Russian Branch of Microsoft Corporation held in Moscow the Third Conference "Day of Non-Commercial Organizations".
Managers and IT-specialists of Russian non-governmental and non-commercial organizations (NGO/NCO) participated in the event.
A number of initiatives supporting the non-commercial sector in Russia, technological support program for non-commercial sector "infoDonor", portal of Microsoft resources for NCOs and "Your Course" project aimed at increasing people’s computer literacy of the Russian population were presented at the Conference.
The program of the conference was opened by Inessa Grikurova, Strategic Programs Manager of Microsoft in Russia, who acted as moderator of the plenary session.
Louisa Rizmanova, Head of Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations of the Institute of the Information Society, and Yulia Sarviro, Manager of Microsoft social projects in Russia, reported on current work conducted within the framework of the "infoDonor" program coordinated by IIS.
Yanina Urusova, Director General of the Cultural Centre “Bez Graniz”, shared experience of social entrepreneurship on examples of bezgraniz projects. 
Activities of Microsoft legal department on piracy resistance were covered in details in the speech of Alexander Strakh, lawyer specializing on Microsoft intellectual property protection in Russia.
Alexander Lavrenyov, Head of Information Technologies Department of the World Wildlife Fund in Russia, shared experience on obtaining of Microsoft software for implementation of WWF projects in Russia.
President of Microsoft in Russia Nikolay Pryanishnikov specified the main achievements of the most recent company’s initiatives and reported on expected results relating to non-commercial and non-governmental organizations.
Mikhail Fedotov, Head of the Council under President of RF on Civil Society Development and Human Rights, in his speech pointed out strategic limits and structure of Russian third sector, defined main trends of his activities.
Ekaterina Fedotova, Director of "Your Course: Increasing of Computer Literacy" Program (PH International), presented an overview of the first year of the project’s implementation.
During the second part of the program leading specialists of Microsoft in Russia reported to representatives of Russian NOCs on new opportunities anâ advantages of software developed by the Company, including those for people with disabilities.
