On March 3, 2011 IIS signed a new MoU with Creative Commons under which cooperation on promoting idea of CC licenses introduction in the Russian Federation would be continued. According to the MoU IIS is an official local affiliate of Creative Commons in our jurisdiction.
According to the MoU IIS is the official affiliate of Creative Commons in our jurisdiction.
Under provisions of the MoU our Institute should implement the following tasks:
- translate into Russian language all CC licenses, legal tools and additional information on the licenses;
- finalize development of the CC Russia web-site and provide its maintenance (www.creativecommons.ru);
- make the public aware about Cc licenses, tools and technologies, programs of establishment of “creative commons” to share intellectual works, scientific, educational and cultural digital content.
IIS will inform Creative Commons on possible modification of legislation in the Russian Federation regulating copyright and use of intellectual activity results. In its turn, Creative Commons will inform IIS on its activities, development and introduction of new versions of licenses, current procedures, policies, prospective opportunities and its projects.
During the preparation to signing of MoU IIS developed Roadmap for 2011, which is published at Creative Commons web-site (http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Roadmap_ru2011).
In accordance with the Roadmap for 2011 the priority goals of IIS activities implemented under the cooperation with Creative Commons are as follows:
- entering into cooperation with the Center of Private Law at the President of the Russian Federation, which is involved in preparation of appropriate revision of the Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation enabling use of CC licenses in our country;
- translating of CC licenses suite and Public Domain tool (CC0);
- developing and maintaining CC Russia web-site;
- participating in development of the improved new version of Creative Commons 4.0 and pilot program supporting translation of new version of CC licenses into Russian language;
- making the public aware on the activities of Creative Commons and its licenses, promoting establishment of “creative commons” in Russia;
- participating in the events organized in Russia and related to discussing of CC licenses use, distributing of materials on Creative Commons at such events.
Updates on all these activities as well as other relevant news, publications and projects will further be published on the web-site www.creativecommons.ru. |