On March 17, 2011 Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hosted the First International Practical Conference "Cloud Russia 2011", organized by Association of Computer and Information Technologies Enterprises (ACIIE) and Association of Strategic Outsourcing ("ASSO") under support of federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation.
The Conference was attended by leading Russian and international experts in the sphere of cloud technologies and virtualization, heads of companies-suppliers of cloud services and solutions, representatives of executive public authorities.
Attention of participants was drawn by world and Russian tendencies, as well as practical achievements and solutions in cloud computing from customers, leading experts and leaders of the new sector.
Within the framework of the Conference a discussion of issues related to public policy in the sphere of information technologies, development of legal framework in Russia, providing for accessibility of cloud service and safety of information in "clouds", influence of cloud technologies on development of outsourcing and services market in Russia was held.
The program of the event included a business forum and exposition "Cloud Technologies Market in Russia".
At the plenary session of the business forum Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, made a report on "Cloud Technologies in Public Authorities and Social Sphere – Appliance and Perspectives of Use", prepared in coauthorship with Alexander Boychenko (MESI). |