On March 14, 2011 the Public Chamber hosted a discussion of amendments to the draft law “On Introduction of Changes to Particular Legal Acts of RF with a view to Enhancement of Legal Regulation in the sphere of Mass Media, TV and Radio Broadcasting”.
The session was attended by members of the Public Chamber, who participate in the Commission on Communications, Information Policy and Freedom of Speech in Mass Media headed by Pavel Gusev; Mikhail Fedotov, Head of the Council under President of RF on Civil Society Development and Human Rights; heads of TV- and radio broadcasting companies; representatives of public organizations; media market experts.
The draft law on mass media licensing in question, which was accepted by the State Duma in the first reading on February 22, 2011, presupposes stiffening of the order of mass media licenses issuance. Besides any internet-site can be likened with mass media and be brought to responsibility for non-observance of limits.
According to participants a draft law in question requires significant revision. Dissatisfaction of experts in particular was induced by unification of different spheres of regulations and legal incompleteness, inconsistencies and carelessness of principal wordings.
Experts also noted defects of the draft law where related to network-based mass media. For example, Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directros, emphasized that internet is not a mass media but a communication and information network.
Yuri Hohlov proposed "to stop this project", and if possible "to re-write it, taking as basis the amendments to the law "On Mass Media", prepared by Mr. Fedotov in 2008".
In order to prepare a new draft law a working group at the Public Chamber was created, which included all experts, who participated in the discussion.
An internet-broadcasting of the meeting can be viewed at the web-site of the Public Chamber:
http://www.oprf.ru/ru/press/conference/347 |