On February 15-16, 2011 Microsoft Corporation Office in the Silicon Valley (San Jose, USA) hosted a Partner Summit TechSoup Global.
The event was attended by about 200 representatives of partner organizations from 35 countries of the world. On behalf of Russia the work of the summit was attended by representative of the Institute of the Information Society, which coordinates the Russian part of the program TechSoup Global, manager of the "infoDonor" program Aleksandra Kapustina.
At the opening ceremony the participants were greeted by the senior director of Microsoft Community Affairs Akhtar Badshah and Daniel Ben-Horin, Co-CEO and founder of TechSoup Global. Then in the course of the plenary session reports were made devoted to efficiency of network communication. The further work of the summit was going in the format of break-out sessions. 
The third day of the Summit was completely devoted to discussion of the work of regional programs: progress, achievements, local problems and solutions, attracting local donors to help NCO, exchanging experience between countries, etc.
At the closing session participants highly appreciated the colossal efforts of TechSoup Global in gathering partners from 35 countries to discuss common issues and in extremely fruitful, positive and open atmosphere of the event, its exceptional efficiency.