On February 22, 2011 the regular Meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of RF for the Information Society Development took place.
During the meeting under the chairmanship of Sergey Naryshkin, Head of Presidential Executive Office, the following issues were examined:
creation of the All-Russia purchase portal for state requirements and switch to conducting auctions within the framework of placement of state orders in electronic format
supplying students of higher educational institutions with courseware in electronic format, creation of system of free access to funds of state libraries of higher professional educational institutions
development of the united state automated system of maintenance of legislative activities by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and legislative authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation (SAS "Lawmaking").
The meeting was attended by Leonid Reiman, Secretary of the Council; Alexander Avdeev, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation; Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, President of the Buryat Republic; Anatoliy Artamonov, Governor of the Kaluga Region; Vladimir Svinarev, Chief of Staff of the Council of Federation; Valeriy Aksakov, Chairman of the Moscow Region Duma; Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the Institute of the Information Society Board of Directors, Deputy Head of Advisory Group of the Council on Information Society Development in Russia under the President of RF; representatives of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies and higher bodies of state authority of subjects of the Russian Federation, heads of organizations dealing with resolution of above issues.
Based on the results of the meeting decisions were made on the discussed issues and instructions were given to federal and regional executive bodies, heads of interdepartmental working groups and advisory group of the Council on Information Society Development in Russia under the President of RF.
Source: website of the Council on Information Society Development in Russia under the President of RF , where the agenda, materials and resolutions of the Presidium of the Council were published. |