2nd Annual Microsoft Conference "Your Course": Information Society Development in Russia" was held in Moscow on 10-11th February, 2011. Institute of the Information Society and the non-commercial corporation PH International acted as partners of this event.
Microsoft company is implementing a social project in Russia – "Your Course: Increasing Computer Literacy" aimed at helping socially unprotected segments of population - unemployed, pensioners, disabled - to master information and communication technologies free of charge and to find a worthy place on a labour market, keeping an active social and life position.
President of the Microsoft in Russia Nikolay Pryanishnikov reported on the project’s development in his presentation "Microsoft’s Contribution to the Development of the Information Society in Russia - results of the Implementation of the Educational Initiative "Your Course" in 2010". He noted that one of the results of the first year of the project’s implementation became the opening of 130 centers in 68 regions of Russia. More than 120 thousand people were trained in educational centers opened by Microsoft; 400 thousand people were trained online. Microsoft created new training materials for teaching people how to use e-government services.
After Nikolay Pryanishnikov’s presentation the best educational centers were rewarded.
A report "A Man in the Information Society: what influences on the use of ICT" was made by Tatiana Ershova, Director General of the Institute of the Information Society. In her speech she told about the role of different factors influencing on the use of ICT by the people.
Inessa Grikurova, Strategic Programs Manager of Microsoft in Russia, reported on Microsoft’s resources for non-commercial organizations. Particularly, she highly appreciated the work of the Institute of the Information Society with non-commercial organizations under the "infoDonor" program, which has being developing since 2009 till present. |