The headword article of the issue, prepared specifically for the "Information Society" journal by one of the leading information ethics researcher Rafael Kapurro, examines diverse ethical aspects of information revolution influence on the society and environment.
The ethical theme is supplemented with the ambivalence of contemporary technologies theme, technologies providing unprecedented opportunities for communication but at the same time making us hostages of the inexorable interference of other people in our lives. Social consequences of life a la "always online" is examined by Naomi Baron, professor of linguistics at the American University.
For the first time in the 20-year history of the journal a work devoted to advertising, its social, economic and investment potentials in the information society was published. The author of the article – Olga Kravchenko, associate professor of the advertising and public relations department of the Far East Federal University.
An uncommon genre for the journal’s subject area, survey of scientific researches, is represented in the joint article by Tatiana Ershova and Olga Vershinskaya.
An interesting and extremely urgent topic, that of regulatory protection of the expert activities actively moving into the Internet, is discovered by Alexander Raykov, the journal’s permanent author.
The article by Olga Shubina represents the analysis of legal regulation of information activities and examines such issues as fixation of information, collection and editing of information from uncontrolled sources. |