On the 7th of September the Institute of the Information Society (IIS) has celebrated its 12th anniversary. IIS was established in 1998 by a group of well-known famous experts in different fields relating to the wide range of topics of the information society development.
IIS engaged in such spheres of expertise as scientific and research activities, analysis and consulting, legislativelawmaking, publishing and educational activities in a vast range of topics related to development of the information society and knowledge economy, as well as research and development works, and system integration for development modern information technologies including engineering and implementation of ICT solutions from the basics of infrastructure up to the application expert systems level.
For the years of operation IIS was engaged in performing orders of federal and regional powers of authority, federal science foundations. Besides, among partners and clients of IIS are big for-profit companies, state unitary enterprises, government institutions, universities, research institutions (including Russian Academy of Sciences), non-for-profit organizations, and international organizations.
IIS has implemented a number of major conceptual and methodical designs being of national and international importance; among them first of all shall be noted concept of contest “The Best Region in the field of ICT” (2003, 2005); Model Program for Development and Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in the Regions of Russian Federation (approved by the government of the RF in 2007); Addenda to the E-Development Indicators System for the CIS Countries (2006). The Institute also possesses extensive practice of development, implementation and expertise of “e-development” projects for Russian regions. Among such initiatives are The Concept of Moscow Move to the Information Society (adopted in 2001); the City Target Program “Electronic Moscow” for 2002-2007 (Stage I) and for 2008-2010 (Stage II); the Concept and Workplan of the E-Government Platform in the Republic of Mordovia (2006); development of the e-government architecture and a set of technical standards for ICT use in public management of the Republic of Tatarstan (2006); the Regional Target Program “Development and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Republic of Tatarstan (“Electronic Tatarstan” 2008-2010) “ (2007-2008), etc.
Alongside with that, IIS possesses great experience in analysis and drafting legislative, normative legal and normative technological instruments, as well as development and implementation expertise and analysis and information systems.
Among the significant outcomes of the IIS activities should also be mentioned analytical reports of the information society readiness of the Russian regions, which have being prepared since 2001.
In sum IIS has conducted around 90 events of regional, national and international levels, issued over 30 books on the range of issues relating to the information society.
IIS jointly with Russian Engineering Academy since 1999 is a founder and publisher of a scientific and analytical magazine “The Information Society” to have been unique in Russia in multifariously and systematically covering challenges of the information society formation. Within 1999-2006 IIS published online scientific magazine “Electronic Libraries”. Its work history also includes series of publications “Moscow and the Information Society” and “Publications of the Europe and Central Asia Regional Network of the United Nations ICT Task Force (UN ICT TF EuCAs)”. Decision of Presidium of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF dated February 19, 2010 ¹ 6/6 approved new edition of the Index of leading refereed scientific journals and publications which now includes the journal.
IIS actively cooperates with international organizations and is involved in a range of international initiatives facilitating application of ICT for comprehensive development, including Stockholm Challenge, Global Junior Challenge, DELOS Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries, Development Gateway, and Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID).
Nowadays the IIS team is comprised by people of different occupations and ages. They build a high-capacity intellectual and creative team of like-minded people, owing to which IIS coped to overcome all adversities and has become an independent leader in Russia in the field of the information society development.
Greetings to all IIS team members with the anniversary of the company and wishing all good health, positive mood and undying believe in success! |