IIS acted as general expert partner of the VII Tver Social and Economic Forum "Information Society"
On July 8-9, 2010 the VIITver Social and Economic Forum "Information Society", organized by the Association of Managers and Institute of the Contemporary Development under official support of the Administration of the President of RF and Administration of Tver Region. Institute of the Information Society acted as general expert partner.
The Forum devoted to discussion of the current status, information society development plans and creation of e-government in the Russian Federation, as well as analysis of the National Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy of information Society Development in RF, was attended by about 3000 people from 70 Russian regions and 11 foreign countries.
Complimentary address towards participants of the event was sent by Dmitry Medvedev, the President of the RF.
The work of the Forum started with an opening of specialized exhibition exposing successful innovative projects of companies being implemented and proposed for implementation within frameworks of federal target programs on information society development.
At the plenary session of the Forum, devoted to key directions of the National Action Plan for the Strategy of Information Society Development in Russia, reported Dmitry Zelenin, Governor of the Tver Region; Sergey Naryshkin, Head of Presidential Executive Office; Sergey Sobyanin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of RF – Head of Central Office of the Government of RF; Leonid Reiman, Adviser to the President of RF; Igor Shchyogolev, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of RF; Ilya Ponomarev, Chairman of Sub-Committee on Technological Development of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications of the State Duma of RF; Sergey Stepashin, Chairman of Accounts Chamber of RF; Anna Popova, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the RF; President of International Council on Philosophy and Humanistic Studies of UNESCO, Chairman of the Genevan phase of WSIS, Adama Samassekou; Philippe Dongier, Director of ICT Global Department of the World Bank; Shankar Aggarwal, United Secretary of Government of India and Ministry of Communications and Information Technolgoies; Igor Agamirzyan, Director General of the Russian Ventures Company Technological Innovations; Nikita Belykh, Governor of the Kirov Region.
Within the framework of events worked sixteen thematic sections where the following trends of information society development in Russia were discussed:
ICT development and use in the system of health protection in the Russian Federation;
Creation of e-Government in the Russian Federation;
ICT development and use for increasing the level and accessibility of education in the Russian Federation, for development of science and training of skilled personnel in ICT sphere:
Legislative and normative legal groundwork for information society development in the Russian Federation;
ICT development and use in science;
International experience of information society development;
ICT development and use in the system of social protection in the Russian Federation;
Development of information industry in the Russian Federation;
Investments in information industry;
Legislation in information society;
ICT use for security protection of people’s daily living activities;
ICT development and use in regions and narrowing of the gap in level of information development between subjects of the Russian Federation;
ICT use in culture and system of cultural and humanitarian enlightenment.
At the final plenary session of the Forum under the chairmanship of Yuri Hohlov were represented the results of work of all thematic sections, which will be used for stating recommendations for preparation of an updated new version of the National Action Plan of the Strategy of Information Society Development in RF.
All speeches may be found at the web-site of the Forum (http://www.tver-forum.ru), in the nearest future all presentations will also be downloaded there.
Besides based on the results of the event Institute of the Information Society will publish a digest “Works of the VII Social and Economic Forum "Information Society".