On July 8-9, 2010 parallel thematic sections were held within the framework of the VII Tver Social and Economic Forum "Information Society". Current status, plans of the information society development and creation of e-government in the Russian Federation, as well as analysis of realization of the National Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy of the Information Society Development in RF were discussed in the course of the sections.
The issues related to e-government creation, ICT development and use in the system of healthcare and social protection, culture, education and science, disaster management, as well as bridging the digital divide between Russian regions, international experience of the information society development, legislation in the information society, information industry development were considered and discussed at the sections.
Besides, a panel discussion "E-Government 2.0 in Russia" and practical seminar "Real Benefit of E-Government 2.0 in Russia" took place within the framework of the Forum.
Under the direction of Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, a meeting of the Architectural Committee of the Expert and Advisory Group of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Information Society Development in the Russian Federation was held.
Staff members of the Institute of the Information Society took part in the work of all thematic sections.
Tatiana Ershova, IIS General Director and Head of Section of the Expert and Advisory Group of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Information Society Development in the Russian Federation, acted as chairman of section "ICT Use in Culture and in the System of Cultural and Humanitarian Education". In her report Tatiana Ershova presented priority activities of the National Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy of the Information Society Development in RF in the sphere of culture.
Final plenary session of the Forum was chaired by Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, Konstantin Zuev, Deputy Governor of the Tver Region, Alexey Tsaregorodtsev, Head of Directorate on Problems of the Information Society Development of the Institute of Contemporary Development and Sergey Litovchenko, Executive Director of the Association of Managers of Russia. In the course of the plenary session results of work of all thematic sections were presented. These results will further be used for developing of recommendations for preparation of new updated version of the National Action Plan of the Strategy of the Information Society Development in RF.
During the final plenary session the following specialists of the Institute of the Information Society presented reports on the outcomes of the thematic sections: Tatiana Ershova, General Director (section "ICT Use in Culture and in the System of Cultural and Humanitarian Education"); Alexander Elizarov, Head of Directorate of Educational Programs (section "ICT Development and Use for Increasing of Quality and Accessibility of Education in the RF and for Training of Qualified Personnel in ICT Sphere"); Andrey Chernyshev, Director of Department of Research and Analytical Works (section "ICT Development and Use in Disaster Management"), Louisa Rizmanova, Head of Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations (section "International Experience of the Information Society Development"); Vladimir Kondratyev, Deputy Director of Department of Research and Analytical Works (section "ICT Development and Use in the System of Healthcare in the RF"); Alexander Evtyushkin, Head of Directorate of Perspective Projects (section "ICT Development and Use in the RF Regions, Narrowing the Gap in Level of Information Development between the RF Regions"). |