IIS Leaders and Leading Experts had a meeting with representative of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
On June 11, 2010 a meeting of leaders and leading experts of the Institute of the Information Society and David Elder, Senior Expert on openness and responsibility of government, Advisor of The
Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD). The meeting was
organized within the framework of OECD secretariat representatives’ visit to Moscow.
In the course of the meeting IIS leaders and experts reported on the activities of the Institute, and provided a short summary on information society development in Russia, on preparation and implementation of the Strategy of information Society Development and
implementation of National Action Plan.
Besides issues related to establishment of e-government and providing public e-services, problems associated with bridging gap in level of information society development in Russian regions were discussed. In his turn David Elder reported on the experience
of governmental structure reforming in Canada.
Based on the results of the meeting an
agreement was reached on future cooperation between OECD and IIS, including improvement of system
of indexes of information society development in the Russian Federation.