On May 28-29, 2010 the regular meeting of non-commercial agency of technical support TechSoup Global partners took place in Brussels (Belgium).
The event was attended by representatives of companies implementing donations programs to non-commercial organizations from 22 European countries.
Representatives of global donations program coordinator TechSoup Global reported on the work accomplished during the last budget year and presented their vision of works for 2011. Partners, who already conduct their work in accordance with donations programs, reported on their activities. Besides within the framework of the meeting new partners, intending to accomplish donations programs in their countries were presented.
Russia was represented at the meeting by the Institute of the Information Society, which coordinates "infoDonor" program, its manager Alexandra Kapustina reported on its peculiarities.
IIS acts as Russian partner of the Global Program of Non-Commercial Sector Support coordinated by TechSoup Global. Microsoft Corporation was the first program donor in Russia.
The goal of the program is to provide technological support to Russian non-governmental and non-commercial organizations (NGO/NCO) in acquiring access to software and hardware donations of leading world producers. "InfoDonor" program in Russia was launched on March 19, 2009. Since then 191 organization registered with it, 85 of them placed and got executed their orders. |