IIS representatives took part in the "Day of NCO for Human Rights Organizations"
On May 20, 2010 Microsoft Company in Russia held the "Day of Non-Commercial Organizations for Human Rights Organizations", where the whole complex of initiatives aimed at support of
non-commercial sector in Russia was presented.
Within the framework of the conference anti-piracy
activities of Microsoft legal service were thoroughly examined.
The event was opened by Inessa Grikurova, Microsoft in
Russia Corporate Programs Manager, who presented a report, prepared together
with Julia Sarviro, Manager of Microsoft social projects in Russia, on history of
Microsoft’s cooperation with non-commercial sector in Russia and on the portal
of Microsoft resources for NCO.
On one of these programs – program of technological
support of non-commercial sector "infoDonor" – reported representatives
of the Institute of the Information Society. Tatiana Ershova, Director General,
in her speech made a general review, and Alexandra Kapustina, Program Manager,
told about conditions of participation.
Details of those conditions are available at the
web-site of the program – www.infodonor.ru