On June 16, 2008 Institute of the Information society hosted a seminar "Network for Development: coherent multi-lingual DNS system and network".
Firstly, we are going to raise awareness about the fact that it is technically feasible to carry several distinct DNS services related to different classes of networks with the help of current DNS resolving software such as BIND which is maintained by the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC), whenever they are in full compliance with the Request for Comments (RFCs). It is little known there are already different classes of DNS services based on the Chaosnet and Hesiod protocols (just of historic significance.). The internet class is by far the most popular. It is possible to implement a distinct DNS service for any TCP/IP-based network that could operate seamlessly alongside the Internet. The field class allows for the possibility of about 65500 classes, which could considerably expand the namespace, and introduce an healthy and legal competition to the ICANN system that rules the internet class. This approach must be completely differentiated from the so-called alternate root servers of bad reputation.
Concerning Internationalized Domain Names, the solution proposed by lICANN makes use of a Puny Code that transforms a unicode chain ( generally UTF-8) into an ASCII chain in a unique and reversible way. For example http://ðóññêèé.idn.icann.org is transformed into http://xn—h1acbxfam.idn.icann.org.
This approach seems like a patch targeted only for the use with a browser, and it is not satisfactory in practice for a general purpose. Cut&paste is impossible and the coding of applications becomes quite complicated. An international e-mail protocol is yet to be finalized by lCANN. The whole thing, first conceived as quick fix by mostly monolingual people, is revealing more and more unworkable ( see also the so-called Funy Code issue ) and explains the very slow pace of implementation of IDNs.
We are therefore proposing Net4D, a new set of classes or networks that would use an all UTF-8 encoding everywhere in a coherent way from the start.
We are further proposing Net4D, should empower the second generation of the Web: the Semantic Web (SW). Net4D classes are not designed to provide minimal services as ICANN does, it has in mind to provide value added services, in view to empower the Semantic Web. Net4D domain holders should, inter alia, abide by a specific ontology, as a contractual requirement to the effect of establishing a zone of trust concerning metadata, and providing pathway for the interoperability of metadata concerning specific activities following the Semantic Web approach. Two main Net4D networks/services for the moment under consideration are :
- Web4D: The Network of People
- EPC4D : The Network of Things
One example of Web4D application could be the Linguistic SWgTLDs or LSWgTLDs. An extension shall be assigned to each language so that sites or sites' versions written in specific languages can be easily found and identified. It would facilitate greatly the task of search engines and would foster linguistic diversity and empower new strategies for automatic language translation.
Dr. Francis Muege (ENSTA, France) participated in the forum - a well-known expert in ICT development sphere, and especially in informatics, free software provision, free access to scientific publications, open educational resources and related issues, active WSIS representative. |