Within the framework of execution of governmental contract between the Federal Agency on Information Technologies and the Institute of the Information Society on development of recommendations on implementation of the Concept of Regional Informatization and conducting competition on selection of pilot regions for implementation and approbation of standard solutions in the sphere of ICT developed within the framework of eRussia federal target program, IIS organized a meeting of the Expert Board at the Council on Regional Informatization at the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation.
The meeting was held on 11 December 2006 at the Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hotel and chaired by Dmitry Milovantsev, Deputy Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the RF.
Members of the Expert Board were presented the following three reports (texts in Russian):
63 representatives of public authorities, research and educational society, business sector and civil society from 35 Russian regions participated in the discussion.
As a result of discussing the draft standard program for ICT development and application in the subjects of the Russian Federation, preliminary list of standard solutions in the sphere of ICT being developed on account of the federal budget and the order of their development and dissemination in the Russian regions, the participants agreed with the recommendation of the Expert Board to adopt drafts of these documents as a foundation, and take measures on their amendment on the basis of analysis of incoming recommendations and suggestions, as well as suggestions that will be forwarded by the members of the Expert Board to the developers of these documents until the end of year 2006.
Draft standard program of ICT development and application in the subjects of the RF is to be amended in the first place. After it is officially agreed in relevant government departments of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation, this document will be presented at the Government Jffice of the of RF for adoption as an advisory act.
The document setting out the methodology adapting the standard program for ICT development and implementation in subjects of RF to the needs and peculiarities of the region is being drafted at present. The draft document will be presented for discussion of the Expert Board early next year, and after relevant amendment it will be forwarded for adoption as a document providing guidance in the sphere of information technologies and communications.
The meeting shaped the structure of the Expert Board at the Council of regional informatization. Until 15 December 2006 all members of the Expert Board are to be distributed between the following sections:
- Section on regulatory and legislative support to ICT development and implementation in the region
- Section on ICT application in governmental administration (e-government)
- Section on ICT application in education (e-education)
- Section on ICT application in the healthcare (e-healthcare)
- Section on ICT application in culture (e-culture)
- Section on ICT application in social protection of citizens
- Section on ICT application for development of the complex of municipal housing economy
- Section of ICT application for planning and monitoring socio-economic development of the region
- Section of ICT application for providing public services (e-services)
- Section on e-region architecture
- Section on development of ICT infrastructure of the region
- Section on ICT sector development in the region
Chairpersons of the sections are to be defined in the nearest future, and the Expert Board will start assessment of applications for the open competition on selecting subjects of the Russian Federation for development and implementation standard program and technical solutions in the sphere of regional informatization on their territories in 2007-2008 within the framework of the eRussia program. |