Conference Russian Regions' Readiness for the Information Society and e-Government was held within the framework of INFOCOM 2005.
The event was organized by:
The information support to the conference was provided by:
The event was attended by representatives of public authorities, local officials responsible for introduction of ICT, as well as IT companies, civil society, research and education community, mass media, political and community leaders, and leading Russian experts in the sphere of Information Society development.
Participants to the conference were presented Index of Russian Regions' e-Readiness - 2005. The aim of the survey conducted by Institute of the Information Society with support of the Russian Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications is to establish information and analytical tool for assessing the level of regions’ readiness for wide-scale use of ICT for developing the key spheres of activity (governmental administration, business, healthcare and culture), as well as for drafting, conducting and amending the policy of the Information Society development on federal and regional levels. The participants were also presented unique rating data on Russian regions’ e-readiness as of 2005.
The conference paid particular attention to the state of affairs in regions from the point of view of establishing 'e-government', including such functions as public services for citizens and organizations, increased efficiency and interaction of public authorities and local authorities and increased transparency of their activity due to active use of ICT.
The conference participants received data of the new rating of Russian regions' readiness for e-government, and results of comparative analysis of the level of readiness for e-government of Russian regions and countries of the world based on UN methodology.
Among other issues the conference discussed federal contest Best Region in the Sphere of ICT annually held within the framework of FTP eRussia. The competition organizers recounted the history of the contest, nominations and assessment criteria, method of summing up the results and choosing the winners of the year 2005.
New web resource was launched at the conference: e-Region web-site.
The event took place on 29 September 2005 in the Conference-hall of exhibition centre "Crocus Expo".
The conference agenda included the following presentations:
1. Welcome address
Oleg Byakhov, Director of the Department of the Information Society Development of the Russian Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications
2. Federal Contest “Russia’s Best ICT Region”
Irina Zadirako, Chief of Department for Corporate Management, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
3. Russian Regions’ e-Readiness Index
Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Sergey Shaposhnik, Head of Directorate of Monitoring Information Society Development, Institute of the Information Society
4. Russian Regions’ e-Government Index
Sergey Shaposhnik, Head of Directorate of Monitoring Information Society Development, and Alexander Yevtiushkin, Head of Directorate of Innovation and Investment Projects, Institute of the Information Society
5. Development of Regional Informatization and main Directions of State Policy
Natalya Monastyrskaya, Director of Research and Methodological Center for Regional Informatization, All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Computing and Informatization (VNIIPVTI)
6. Statistical Research in the Sphere of ICT
Irina Gaslikova, Director of Center for Information Society Statistics and Monitoring, State University - Higher School of Economics
7. Regional e-Government: Project Approach. Managing Government Services
L. Libman, S. Subbotin, Parus Corporation
8. Discussion