On November 1, 2013 Tatiana
Ershova, IIS Director General, was awarded with a highest industry title "Master of Communications" and was presented with a breastplate.
In accordance with an order
of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian
Federation dated 27.12.2004 ¹ 46 this title is bestowed to "highly professional workers of the information technologies and communications sphere for the progress in improvement of infocommunication complex of the country, implementation of federal and regional programs
of communications and informatization development, who have been working in
this sector for 15 years and over".
On November 22, 2013 Deputy Governor of Yaroslavl region, Chairman of the organizing committee of the 4th International Forum of Experts "Innovations. Business. Education" (21-22 November, 2013, Yaroslavl) expressed gratitude to
Tatiana Ershova, Director General of the Institute of the Information Society,
and to Alexander Evtyushkin, Head of Directorate of Perspective Projects, for
support and active participation in
organization and conduction of the Forum.
On November 28, 2011 Yury Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, received a commendation for cooperation and support provided to the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), which is a modern academic complex, whose activities
aimed at solving innovation challenges, which were set before
the system of Russian education by the President of RF, Government of RF and
all Russian society.
On July 1, 2011 the Council for the Development of the Information Society under the President of RF awarded the Institute of the Information Society with a creativity competition laureate diploma for participating in an exhibition "Best Solutions in the Sphere
of Regional Informatization" in the category "e-Culture", which was held in the
course of the 8th Tver Social and Economic Forum "Information
Society" (June 30 – July 01, 2011, Tver).
On December 30, 2010 Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, received a commendation from the Administration of the President of RF for professional preparation
and successful organization of the 5th Forum of Artistic and Academic
Intelligentsia of CIS countries on the topic "Innovative and Humanitarian Partnership – Basis of Dynamic Development of CIS countries" (October 14-15, 2010, Moscow).
On July 9, 2010 Dmitry Zelenin, Governor of Tver Region, expressed gratitude to Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, for dedicated work and huge personal
contribution to preparation and successful organization of the 7th Tver Social and Economic Forum
"Information Society" (July 7-9, 2010, Tver).
On December 10, 2009, IIS was commended by an official letter from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for professionalism and efficient organization of the International Seminar "Russia - EU: Signs on the Road Map of Cultural Cooperation" (Moscow, 8 December 2009)
On July 10, 2009 Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, was preconized by the Governor of Tver Region for considerable and personal contribution to organization and realization of the VI Tver Social and Economic Forum "Information Society".
In July 2009 the organizing committee of the "E-Learning @ Russia" conference awarded Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the IIS Board of Directors, a badge of honor "For Integration of E-Learning@Russsia to the Information Society".
In January 2007 the Commission on Municipal Economy and Housing Policy sent to the Institute of the Information Society a letter of appreciation on behalf of the Moscow City Duma to express gratitude for valuable contribution to the Information Society development in Moscow and its integration with the global Information Society, for creating conditions for efficient communication between Moscow public authorities and municipal entities, for development of competitive environment in the information and communication market of the city, and for advancing information resources, technologies, infrastructure and services in the city of Moscow.
In January 2006 the Moscow City Duma (Council) directed letters of gratitude for cooperation and significant contribution to the Information Society development in Moscow to the following representatives of the Institute: Olga Vershinskaya - Head of Directorate of Social and Economic Programs; Alexander Yevtiushkin - Head of Directorate of Innovative and Investment Programs; Tatiana Ershova - General Director, Head of e-Development Directorate; Yuri Hohlov - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director of Regional Programs and Head of Directorate of Informatics Programs; Dmitry Chereshkin - Director of Information Policy Programs; Sergey Shaposhnik - Head of Directorate of Monitoring Information Society Development; and Mikhail Yakushev - Director of Legislative Programs.
On December 17, 2004 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Information Society Yuri E. Hohlov was elected as an acting member of the Russian Engineering Academy in the section "Information Systems, Computing and Electronic Technology, and Telecommunications".
On December 17, 2003 at the "Electronic Moscow - 2003" conference the Institute of the Information Society received the award of the Moscow City Duma for the achievements in improving the community life.
On May 30, 2002 the Information Society Journal published by the Institute was awarded a Diploma of the VII All-Russian Mass Media Festival "All Russia - 2002" in the nomination "Scientific Publications Dedicated to the Issues of Media-society".
In January 2002 the Moscow City Duma (Council) announced their appreciation for the significant contribution to the work on the Public Expert Council directed at creating the legislative base enabling Russia to become a leading member of the Information Society to the following representatives of the Institute: Chairman of the Board of Directors, Head of Informatics Programs and Director of the Moscow office Yuri Hohlov, Head of the Directorate of Informational and Socio-Economic Programs Olga Vershinskaya, General Director Tatiana Ershova, Head of the Directorate of Legal Programs Boris Kristal’ny, Head of the Directorate of Telecommunication Programs Andrey Mendkovich, Head of the Directorate on Information Technologies in Political Science Peter Meshkov, Head of the Directorate of Information Policy Programs Dmitry Chereshkin, and to the Head of Legal Directorate Mikhail Yakushev.
On December 10, 2001 the Organizing Committee of the International Forum "World Experience and the Russian Economy" and International Union of Economists (IUE) awarded a Diploma entitled "International Recognition" to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute Yuri Hohlov and the General Director of the Institute Tatiana Ershova for their valuable contribution to Russia’s economic development based on applying leading international experience related to implementing of modern methods of organizing management, economic, financial, and production processes.
In November 2001, the Institute of the Information Society was awarded a diploma for substantial contribution to development of the scientific and educational computer network FREEnet.
On March 20, 2001 the organizing committee of the All-Russian conference "Future of Russia - Creating the Information Society of the 21st Century awarded a diploma entitled "Gold Standard" for significant contribution to implementing the state efforts towards developing informatization in the Russian Federation to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute Yuri Hohlov and the General Director of the Institute Tatiana Ershova. |