Russian-British Digital Libraries Workshop
Moscow, June 16-17, 1999
The Russian-British Workshop on Digital Libraries will take place on June 16-17, 1999 in Moscow, Russia. The theme is UK e-Lib Programme and Russian Digital Libraries Programme. ORGANISED BYSPONSORED BY
WORKSHOPThe workshop will take place in the conference hall of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Leninskij pr. 47). The workshop will be broadcasted as a Mbone videoconference to active sites in St.Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Novgorod and Ekaterinburg. Organisations wishing to join the videoconference are welcome to apply to sid@free.net. The Workshop programme presupposes both plenary talks and short presentations. All accepted talks and presentations will be published as a special issue of the electronic journal "Russian Digital Libraries" (http://www.iis.ru/el-bib). OBJECTIVES AND SCOPEThe workshop will be aimed at presenting new research results, discussing policy issues, including Russian-British co-operation, at demonstrating new digital libraries and related technologies. Computer scientists, information scientists, librarians, museum workers, archivists and others in academia, government, and industry will attend. Topics of particular interest will include but are not limited to:
REGISTRATIONParticipants are requested to get registered by the e-mail: by sending a message with the following information: surname, first name, position, organization, address, postcode, town, country, phone, fax, e-mail. Submission of abstracts finished on 25 April 1999. COSTSNo registration fee will be requested for participation at the Workshop. Coffee breaks and lunches will be provided by the Organising Committee. Participants will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs except invited speakers. INTERPRETATIONWorking languages will be Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided during the workshop sessions. |